Baked Desires


The one stop shop that fulfils the passionate baker's goals and meets each customer's desire to enjoy their baked indulgence.

Who We Are

Simply put - I am someone that has enjoyed the best conversations over cakes or brownies, for so long. I am happy that this marketplace for bakers is creating impact.

About Us

The one stop shop that fulfils the passionate baker’s goals and meets each customer’s desire to enjoy their baked indulgence.

The real story – Rachel loves indulging, but more so I love living the simplest happiest life possible, a lot of which involves fixing the little things I can fix as I go along. I enjoy each moment indulging without guilt, be it eating my favourite vegetables, catching up with friends, travelling, taking walks, or eating carrot cake and more.

Some time ago, it was my sister’s 18th birthday and the lady that was to make her birthday treats had to cancel last minute due to illness. The bakeries around us were shut and we were unable to get anything off the shelf, not even a tray of cupcakes. The bakers I found on social media felt the notice was too short and the one that would deliver on time was going to charge an arm and a leg.

The Richest Coffee...

It was quite frustrating and so I had to improvise. I found some ingredients at home that could make simple cupcakes and other small bakes. And I mean simple, like we had no vanilla extract or baking powder. Sally’s recipes saved the day!

Overtime, I have met several people that love baking. Many self taught bakers that did most of their learning on YouTube. Most of them with full or part time jobs and mainly relying on social media to sell their baked goods, but they often find it difficult to schedule and plan around the several customers that patronise them. More so, there are very quiet periods where some of these talented bakers get no customers at all. And like me, many are social media novices and are otherwise very busy people, so they barely have time to do all the funky stuffs needed to drum up crowd to their social media accounts.

This began the creation of Baked Desires.

Love to hear From you

I am so excited that I started this and more so happy that I am creating a solution for the bakers looking to sell more and the customers looking to buy quickly and efficiently in a few clicks.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you can find your baked desires here.

PS: I love hearing from you all, so do drop a message to get in touch whenever and I will be sure to respond. First though, visit the store to pick your desire.



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Oh yes please, just the icing on the cake.


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The one stop shop that fulfils the passionate baker’s goals and meets.

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